Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday morning

It's a quiet, cloudy Saturday morning. I've had my coffee and my time with the Patriarchs (Joseph this morning - poor, forgotten man. But I was reminded that even when I feel forgotten by God, He simply will not and cannot forget me because He has engraved me with nails on the palm of His hand! Is. 49:14-16 I love that!).

There is lots of work to do for the Adoption Ministry. We're getting ready for an influx of children to our orphanages and at the same time, preparing to build three new Orphans and Widows' Homes in the NW region of Ethiopia. (You can check it out here!) So I'm adding children to our 'Waiting Children' site and working on a video to present to churches who may want to help sponsor one of the new facilities. I can't tell you how rewarding this work is for me. If you had told me I would ever be doing something like this, I would have thought you were crazy. God is funny like that - and it makes you stop and wonder what He has up His sleeve in the future! I've decided not to try to guess anymore. But I bet I will anyway because for some reason I think I can figure out how my life should/will go.

I'm hoping I'll get all three of my girls home at some point this summer before school starts again at the end of September. Can you believe it's back-to-school time already? Have you bought your PeeChees and 64 pack of Crayolas yet? No fancy folders with photos of the Jonas Brothers and National Geographic wildlife for me. We had one choice. I couldn't count the number of times I colored that poor tennis player with my blue Bic, giving her different hair and a much cuter outfit. And the smell of that new box of crayons will always mean the start of a new school year.

Fall is right around the corner and yesterday I bought two harvest spice candles on sale at Pier 1 in celebration. It is hands-down my favorite season and I'm so excited to be living back in the northwest to enjoy it!!

And finally, on a completely random note, I'll end with these two posts
about the make-up of a youth group:

The 11 People Every Youth Group Needs
8 Other People Every Youth Group Needs

So true! And very funny (if you're not the youth pastor).

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