Friday, March 20, 2009

She Speaks!

Beginning on July 31st the 'She Speaks' Conference for 2009 will be held in Concord, North Carolina!! What is 'She Speaks' you ask? It is a wonderful gathering of female speakers, writers and women's ministry leaders who get to fellowship, share and soak up all the encouragement and helpful input they possibly can in three short days.

I've read about this conference and wished so much that I could attend. I love women's ministry (particularly young, twenty-something women) and have been involved on some level for over 30 years, as a pastor's wife and bible study teacher. I've learned far more than I've ever taught just by being in relationship with women.

Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to spend three whole days learning from some of the best? Bloggers will include: Big Mama, Boo Mama, Chatting at the Sky, Barefoot Blogs, the Nester, and Musings of a Housewife. And of course, Lysa Terkeurst!

Lysa is offering a scholarship to attend this year's conference and I would just love to be chosen for it, wouldn't you? I've never been to North Carolina, never attended a Proverbs 31 conference and want so much to develop in both speaking and writing for God's glory. Go here to check out all the details. Proverbs 31 Ministries is going to bless a whole lot of very special women!


elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I pray for you the opportunity to go. I was able to attend last year and received an incredible blessing.


Angela Nazworth said...

Just popping over to read your entry. Best wishes to you.

Lindsey @ A New Life said...

So true- so many will be blessed! Praying for your dreams & good luck in the contest!

Have a blessed and beautiful day!

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