Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday Catching Up

No excuses - I've been away from the blog and now I'm back with a few random thoughts...

God is always at work in us, isn't He? He never rests, never takes a break, never gives up in frustration or discouragement. I'm realizing that He is relentless in pursuing me. What an awesome thought! He loves me so much that He designs, allows and uses all the circumstances of my life to show me who He is and how completely in control He is! He doesn't pluck me out of difficult things - instead He wants to use those very things I'd rather avoid to show me how HUGE He is. To change me from self-centered to God-centered.

Here's a truth that I've known but has recently become real to me:

I'm never to look at my circumstances and make a judgment about what God is like based on that situation. (ie. This bad thing happened therefore God isn't a good God.)

Instead, I need to look at my God and make a judgment about my circumstances based on who He is. (ie. God is wise and loving and in control therefore this bad thing that happened is something He allowed and will use for good. I may not ever understand it but I can trust Him because of who He is.)

All my circumstances are part of what God is using to accomplish His purposes in me. They are completely at His mercy. Subject to His approval or not. If I'm experiencing it, He allowed it. Nothing that comes my way hasn't passed His test: Is this something that will further My purpose being accomplished in Becky?

That said, there is no denying that the pain and suffering we're allowed to experience is HARD. Big pain and little struggles. Deep hurt and daily frustrations. Loss and longing. Use it all, Lord! Only You could take what seems to me to be purely bad and bring something truly good out of it!

I loved the honesty of Mary Beth Chapman's post this last week - grieving the one year anniversary of the death of her little girl. Lord, what would we do without You?

"However, the Lord your God... turned the intended curse into a blessing because the Lord your God loves you." Deuteronomy 23:3

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