Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gettin' Ready

Hey there! Jeff and I are trying to get this place in some sort of shape for all the family coming for turkey on Thursday. Jeff's been working on the broken garbage disposal (he's always been very resourceful with tools) and I'm in charge of baking and decorating. You like my apron?
Am I the only one who drives myself crazy over this kind of stuff? Raise your hand if your name could be Martha (and I don't mean Stewart). I start one project - like dusting the bedrooms - then I think "I should hang some Christmas lights in here so it feels homey and cozy for the girls!" So I start digging through the Christmas boxes where I find a wreath that needs a new ribbon. So I go to the box in the garage where my ribbon is and I see the rake I left out to finish the pile of leaves I started gathering...

You see where this is going. Nowhere. Fast.
I want to enjoy having my girls home, my dad, mother-in-law, brother and family here. And I know I won't if I'm stressed about things being 'just so' and my back is killing me. I've done it WAY too many times in the past and I hope I'm learning from my mistakes.
So... I'm writing a blog post instead of doing anything to get ready. Hey, I got the Christmas lights up in the bedrooms! It will all get done. And in the end, it won't matter if everything isn't perfect. I'm so glad! I hope you're enjoying this holiday - even the gettin' ready part!
Happy Thanksgiving!

"Freedom From Want" by Norman Rockwell
The Saturday Evening Post 1943

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