Saturday, November 20, 2010


Aaach!  Has it really been a week since I've posted?

I have a couple of posts rumbling around in my head but today I want to do something I've been meaning to do for a while - share some of my fav recipe blogs!  Some are just to drool over, some to admire the unbelievable work and talent that goes into the decorating, some to actually get recipes from!  Not all are actually blogs.  But all are so fun to check out!

Cookie Art 101.  I would love to do this!

Christmas Cupcakes
Are her things really edible?

pumpkin cheesecake on a plate
CopyKat Recipes
Love those pumpkin scones at Starbucks?
Or the Olive Garden Pumpkin Cheescake?
Here's where to get the recipes!

Another dessert artist.

Tasty Kitchen
You might even win a Kitchen-Aid.
You have a one-in-20,000 chance!

And the related blog...

The Pioneer Woman Cooks
Do you have her cookbook?  Love it!

Here you'll find a PLETHORA of good stuff!

pumpkin blossoms

Printable recipes from lots of food blogs!

Pumpkin Cheesecake

What are you making for Thanksgiving??  I'd love to know if you're trying anything new this year!

I'm not.

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