Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bittersweet {a re-post}

Maybe because it's good to remember there are seasons in life, I'm reposting this from 2010...

Not only is it a new month - and what I love to consider the start of Fall - but our nest emptied out once again today in that now yearly ritual of kids returning to college.  

Two cars loaded beyond what seemed to be their maximum capacity.

Two girls stocked up with school supplies and groceries.

Fluids and tire pressure ok?  Check.
Medical cards and AAA cards?  Yes Mom.
Chargers for every electronic device known to man?  Check.

Sigh. It is a bittersweet time.

But I've come to a peace about it.  I've decided it's really okay to enjoy when they're home and also enjoy when they're living life on their own.  I like both.  A lot, actually!

I love all the talking, cooking meals together, talking, card playing, movie watching, laughing together and talking.

I also love the quiet, not having to plan meals, talking, eating salads while watching the news with my husband, spur-of-the-moment outings and talking (quite often about our girls!). 

We've been laughing about something Lindsey said the other day... "I'm really looking forward to when my kids move out on their own."  The girl hasn't met her husband yet but she's ready to get some good time with him away from those crazy kids of theirs!  I'm hoping it's because she knows her dad and I enjoy being together so much.

It's a new season.  God gives us seasons.  If we hate to see one end, we also need to remember in the difficult times (and there are many) that it is a season too. 

One thing never changes... 

Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.
He never changes or casts a shifting shadow...  James 1:17

Maybe you're in a new season too and you need to know God is going to be faithful.

Maybe you like the season you're in and don't really want to let go of it.

Maybe it's a difficult season and you have to know that He hasn't turned away, leaving you in a shadow.

God is the constant.  He is our reference point. 
His plan for us covers every season, every changing circumstance.

I know it covers this empty nest, those two cars heading up to Seattle and my firstborn peanut as well. 
His eye is on the sparrow.

Bittersweet UPDATE:

We may or may not have had this for dinner:

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